Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Florida - Day 13

I took today as a relaxing day because that's how I like to holiday, but it isn't the way I get to holiday.  I spent the entire morning in bed and then took some time to get the posts on this blog updated.  After lunch, I spent most of the afternoon sitting beside the pool watching Bradley and his cousins play in the water until they were so tired and cold that they had to wander shivering into the house to warm up.

At the end of the day I caught a ride with the Brownings to Medieval Times, where a bunch of us went for supper.  It is a horse and knight show with supper and was quite a fun time.  Jason takes his family every time he can and they went Saturday night while I was in Tampa at the NHL game, so this was the second group to attend.

You get fed a chicken meal with no utensils while sitting in front of a big arena where knights and horses perform feats in front of you.  Each section has a knight they are cheering for and there is a lot of screaming and hollering during the meal.  It was a lot of fun and a lot of food.

We then returned home and crawled into bed, as we are headed to Hollywood Studios tomorrow and it opens at 7:00am, which means we want to be on the road shortly after 6:00am.

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