Sunday, July 24, 2016

Epic East Coast - Day 24

Today was finally a slow and relaxing day.  I woke up and realized that you could see the ocean from our deck, so I made a pot of coffee and sat outside for a little while.  Later in the morning, we drove out to a grocery store so that we would have food for the next couple of days.  Then Sandra gave the younger kids naps while I took the older two kids to the pool at the condo.  It is a regular pool that is too deep for the small kids, so it made sense to only take the bigger kids.  They played for almost two hours while I sat and relaxed in the sun.

The weather in Key West is somewhat milder than our vacation so far, as it is supposed to be 31 each day, with scattered rainshowers.  After supper at the condo, Sandra took Bradley and Evan to the beach, as Alex wanted to watch TV and Jonathan wasn't feeling 100%.  The beach is just around the corner from the condo and she had to drag them away from it when the sun set.  The kids then enjoyed a warm shower before we put them to bed.


Robin and Dale said...

Notice how the wonderful, relaxing day was the shortest blog! So happy you had a good day and the kids had fun. Nice that the weather was nicer. It's HOT here today, but we'll survive! We stay at your place tonight.

Jen Glen said...

Sounds like the perfect day to me!